My Japanese Whetstones

I acquired a number of Japanese whetstones when I worked as a line cook overseas. These are the only ones I'll use to provide a sharp edge on your tools. All stones are leveled and deemed flat. They are synthetic, semi-synthetic stones.

Atoma 140
Shapton Professional 320
Japanese Natural Stones (JNS) 300 Matukusuyama
Japanese Natural Stones (JNS) 800 Matukusuyama
King Deluxe 800
Mizuyama 1000
Shapton Professional 2000
Japanese Natural Stones (JNS) Red Aoto
Mizuyama 6000
Shiage Toishi Arashiyama
Shiage Toishi Kitayama

I have decided to forgo any major repairs or major blade-face thinning as of the moment and concentrate solely on providing sharp edges on kitchen knives until I order a water wheel from Japan.

If you have any questions about the stones, just email me at


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